Permaculture Principles 10, 11, 12

10. Use and Value Diversity Just as ecosystems work best when filled with a greater variety of different plants and animals, so human society functions best when an variety of different people are represented. In your garden, home and your life in general, it’s a good...

Healing Herb: Holy Basil

  Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), commonly known in the Hindi language as tulsi, is quite possibly the most revered medicinal herb on the planet. Holy basil is a plant that has violet flowers and blossoms; the stems are green, but sometimes have a purple...

OUR Educational CSA Week #20

  Last Week of OUR CSA Educational Food Box for 2020!! *A reminder to please return your bins and canning jars* A message from OUR Team: FIRST:  a huge thank you to each of you who risked the farm season with us in the true meaning of ‘Community Supported...

Preparing for Winter

  In these unprecedented times—at least unprecedented in the lifetimes of most of us—we have an extra push to take care of some of those important but not yet urgent tasks of preparing for the cold. Fortunately we haven’t experienced too many supply chain...

Permaculture Principles – 7, 8, 9

  7. Design from Patterns to Details Whether designing a new vegetable garden, or an entire new sustainable way of life, we have to look at the big picture before we get bogged down in the little things. Thinking wholistically, about all areas of our lives, can...

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Land acknowledgment

OUR ECOVILLAGE is situated on unceded Indigenous lands. The Coast Salish Peoples are the guardians of these lands and waters where we live, work, pray, and play. Quw’utsun (Cowichan) is a historical place of gathering and Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun/”one-heart one-mind” for many Indigenous peoples.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is committed to regenerate land and all ecosystems while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings; we call this Permaculture.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and our communities about the history and peoples of OUR bio-region, to assist in decolonization and re-villaging as a path towards peacemaking, from local to global.

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1565 Baldy Mountain Rd
Shawnigan Lake, BC
V0R 2W2