Peace Education Program

The Peace Education Program is an innovative series of video-based workshops that help people discover their own inner strength and personal peace.


The program gives participants the opportunity to focus and reflect on their own humanity, and their inner resources such as choice, hope, and dignity. Rather than describing or defining personal peace, the program empowers individuals to reach their own understanding. Everyone can benefit. The program has proven effective in a variety of settings including community centers, youth groups, schools, adult education programs, veterans’ groups, healthcare settings, senior centers, homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation and correctional facilities. It is a 10 part video and participatory program and each session is about 1 hour once a week. It will be offered simultaneously on Zoom and in person at OURECOVILLAGE. For a fuller description of the Program the following short video provides more information. It is offered free of charge but registration is requested. 

Invitation to Participate

You are warmly invited to attend an upcoming Peace Education Program. This course will be offered via Zoom once a week for 10 weeks on Tuesdays from June 15 to August 17 at 5 – 6 PM PDT.

The Peace Education Program is an innovative series of video-based workshops which helps people to discover their own inner resources and personal peace. It provides the opportunity for people to focus and reflect on their own humanity and empowers individuals to reach their own understanding. 

The program focuses on 10 themes: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope and Contentment. Each workshop consists of videos and animated stories drawn from Prem Rawat’s international talks, media interviews and insights from speaking to people around the world for over 50 years.

Workshops include time to reflect on the theme, engage in activities, and to respond to the theme from one’s own understanding. There are no right or wrong answers. There are no tests.  The Peace Education Program is about you discovering you.

The Peace Education Program has proven effective in a variety of settings including community centers, youth groups, schools, adult education programs, veterans’ groups, healthcare settings, senior centers, homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation facilities and correctional facilities. Access to the course materials is provided free of charge to organizations and volunteers by The Prem Rawat Foundation and the program is readily available to diverse populations in more than 70 countries and in over 30 languages.

Select the button below to view a short 1 ½ minute introductory video about the program: 

You can also hear what people say about the program, review studies and endorsements, and see sample course materials at The Prem Rawat Foundation website:
Peace Education Program – Offer the Workshops –

To register to attend this upcoming Peace Education Program send an email to with the following information:

*  Name(s) of each participant from your household who will be attending
*  Where you live (city/town, country)

We, the organizing team, along with the other volunteers that will be helping with technical support and facilitation of the program, are very happy to be helping to make this upcoming Peace Education Program happen! We very much look forward sharing to it with each of you who chooses to attend!


Peace Education Program Volunteers

OUR dear friends have facilitated this Program annually in person at OURECOVILLAGE over the last few years and this time, it is offered onland and online. The Program is based on the discourses of international speaker and author
Prem Rawat who has been sharing his insights on being Human for over 50 years.

Contact Us to learn more.


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Land acknowledgment

OUR ECOVILLAGE is situated on unceded Indigenous lands. The Coast Salish Peoples are the guardians of these lands and waters where we live, work, pray, and play. Quw’utsun (Cowichan) is a historical place of gathering and Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun/”one-heart one-mind” for many Indigenous peoples.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is committed to regenerate land and all ecosystems while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings; we call this Permaculture.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and our communities about the history and peoples of OUR bio-region, to assist in decolonization and re-villaging as a path towards peacemaking, from local to global.

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1565 Baldy Mountain Rd
Shawnigan Lake, BC
V0R 2W2