OUR ECOVILLAGE, along with a group of passionate people, are co-creating a program designed for times of planetary transition. Building community resilience, developing an open model for communities on-boarding programs, connecting participants to what they can contribute to Planet’s needs, and understanding best ways of interacting groups embarking on the most diverse-unique ways, are some of the best values intended to come out of this co-creation.

It is a Pilot Project designed by a group of people hoping to surpass the Empire era and get to experience Planetary values as a life mantra. It will be a multilayered program which will stir different countries, ages, online and on land communication platforms, where participants are invited to fully show up offering each one’s gifts to the world. 

As we Awaken the Dragon, which represents the fire within us, we rise from a place of presence, conscience and deep connection, validating meaningful relationships, by being aware of each interaction, and becoming what can be called as human ‘inter-being’. From that, generate a Cooperative and Collaborative Culture, where competition is not part of any reality anymore, integration and real connections will  take part as society’s main role.

The project aims to integrate sustainable design methodologies, self knowledge investigation and deep adaptation tools. It will embed the Permaculture Design Certificate, Ecovillage Design Education and Bright Future Now, programs that are complementary on what Awaken is looking for to offer. 

With an effort to bypass all the dominant culture navigating of ‘ownership’ and ‘power’ – this Internship is not meant to be held by any one organization but to be utilized by all related in the needs of ‘on-boarding into cooperative culture’. With educators from around the world, we work together to craft an ‘on-boarding’ structure which can be useful as a prerequisite for membership into ecovillages and intentional communities around the world.  With a mix of process work, tasks and projects each ‘on land’ and ‘online’ participant in the immersion Internship are able to up-skill our individual and collective transformation into the cooperative/regenerative culture building.  Within the relationships of all international leads of the historic journey of this collective pursuit. The value of this pilot project is offered as a gifting, to be changed into locally appropriate needs, to all ecovillages/intentional communities around the planet!

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Land acknowledgment

OUR ECOVILLAGE is situated on unceded Indigenous lands. The Coast Salish Peoples are the guardians of these lands and waters where we live, work, pray, and play. Quw’utsun (Cowichan) is a historical place of gathering and Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun/”one-heart one-mind” for many Indigenous peoples.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is committed to regenerate land and all ecosystems while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings; we call this Permaculture.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and our communities about the history and peoples of OUR bio-region, to assist in decolonization and re-villaging as a path towards peacemaking, from local to global.

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1565 Baldy Mountain Rd
Shawnigan Lake, BC
V0R 2W2