Last Week of OUR CSA Educational Food Box for 2020!!

*A reminder to please return your bins and canning jars*

A message from OUR Team:

FIRST:  a huge thank you to each of you who risked the farm season with us in the true meaning of ‘Community Supported Agriculture’ whereas as the season/weather change you are buying ahead your farmers time – and rolling with what the season brings (including the challenges we have had this year!).  What a great relationship we have managed to bring forward with each of you!   

Well here we are….. 20 weeks in to OUR ECOVILLAGEs Educational CSA Food Box Project!  It has been 5 months that went by as a ‘fast as a blue streak!’.  With a strange amount of change in the world – OUR farm still has it’s own rhythm and the humans ability to adapt to the cycles of nature has been tricky for 2020.  We have endeavoured to put far more food into your box than the stated value….and we think we did a good job of this regardless of the rain, barrier to getting soil amendments, lack of egg cartons able to be purchased – and we restored to repurposing and recycling as much as possible (which is not a bad thing we note).  All feedback is welcome.

We also hope you can let us know if you wish to be in OUR CSA Educational Food Box for next year – we are looking at making new partnerships with some other growers and bringing in early greenhouse items which are available and ramping up a much larger amount of food production, value added items (hoping for feedback on your Pandemic Passions and canned items of what you think the biggest hits were from your 10-20 week options?), and for potentially doing some major food recovery and upgrading OUR facilities to do value added farm meals to go (well pre-oder).  

We have loved serving you in every way we possibly have been able to this year.  What an amazing community experience from Cowichan to Victoria folks we have met so many new opportunities…..see your next year if not sooner!    (****Unless of course you are one of the folks who still has ordered for next week!)

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Land acknowledgment

OUR ECOVILLAGE is situated on unceded Indigenous lands. The Coast Salish Peoples are the guardians of these lands and waters where we live, work, pray, and play. Quw’utsun (Cowichan) is a historical place of gathering and Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun/”one-heart one-mind” for many Indigenous peoples.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is committed to regenerate land and all ecosystems while acknowledging and respecting Indigenous knowledge that ensures thriving for all beings; we call this Permaculture.

OUR ECOVILLAGE is dedicated to continuously educating ourselves and our communities about the history and peoples of OUR bio-region, to assist in decolonization and re-villaging as a path towards peacemaking, from local to global.

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1565 Baldy Mountain Rd
Shawnigan Lake, BC
V0R 2W2