The “Awaken the Dragon Project” is a Call to Action !!!
In the days of a certainly uncertain future … it is an act of Radical Hope! The opportunity has never been greater for human beings to gather our intentions and transform our way of being/living on this planet. In response to these times “Awaken…” has been created as a community animation towards creating as resilient community design and Deep Adaptation. The journey for 2020 includes celebrating OUR 20th Anniversary https://youtu.be/5iXsn8wlEo0
Awakening the Dragon at OUR ECOVILLAGE includes the following events!
Community Installation, Workshops and Gatherings: alllllll year long!
Options are available involving school projects (at your school), community gathering spaces/reclaiming the commons, FREE natural building workshops at OUR ECOVILLAGE.
The Art of Community Plaster and Sculpture Playshops
Join us for 9 days of ART and FUN! Choose the a three day course, the Natural Building Colloquium, or come for a day long program to work with outstanding teachers, artists and community animators. What is it? Hand & Heart Community Building – with ART and heart/hard work.
Playing Full-in: h’Art Attack Part 1
Sculpture, Plaster and Beauty Workshop
Cost: $220 plus taxes*
As part of OUR’s Awakening the Dragon project, traditional Pueblo clay artist builder, Athena Steen, will teach you to mix and apply a variety of plasters – for sculpting and finishing your natural design projects and bringing your visions to life. She is joined by Mistresses of Mud and Magic, Elke Cole and Shylene Schlackl.
Playing Full-out: h’Art Attack Part 2
Sculpting and Plastering with Clay
Cost: $575 plus taxes*
Learn about color options and recipes and get plenty of practice on buildings and with other fun projects.
Every day we integrate conversation with short lectures, giving participants plenty of time to take notes and ask questions. You will be part of transforming a variety of spaces into beautiful places with natural color and light.6
A gathering of artists, builders, designers, regulatory authorities, engineers, and industry stakeholders who are each invested in the path forward within the collaborative work of the natural building movement.
More information and Registration
URBAN-RURAL BRIDGE – Networking & partnering
- Solidifying our partnership, alliance, and network with OUR and TheCUPS
- Re-Skilling to future employment – senior and managerial work experience
- RISING THE HeArt of the land.
- Tidying and sorting and spiffing the whole land – each building, all arrival areas, the bones yard, the Taj 2 and farmhouse, etc.
- Awaken the Dragon: Skills Development and Community Animation Project
- Book your school
- Community Events
Are you a school or community project that wants to work with the team? Contact us at OUR ECOVILLAGE info@ourecovillage.org.
Shylene Schlackl – Autumn 2019
I am a deep believer in the heart of relationships: to myself, my own soul and spirit, to other humans, to the earth and to the land beneath my feet. I aim to find magic and share what I find as part of my normal life. I believe in the unseen world, and squeeze my reality a bit to see it everywhere I can. Throughout my work, I aim to connect person to person through art, intentional conversation and deep listening to what wants to come through.
As a lifetime resident of Vancouver Island, mother of two, wife, community-engaged artist, environmentalist and long-time OUR villager, designing ways to co-build village is actually what my life’s work is all about. I believe it simply takes the village. It takes the village to be a whole and well-balanced human during all stages of life (not just in childhood) Making art since I was a child and actively building community public art most of my adult life, I see community art as a vehicle for social change. Creating opportunities for intergenerational, intercultural and interconnectedness throughout the process of making co-dreamed art is what I endeavor to do.
I am a seeker and look for spirit in relationship to all things. I have a passion for sharing in a circle, I adore ritual and ceremony. I see the privilege to gather in these ways as an honour and the most amazing way to grow myself and my community. I have been studying a way to connect art, intentional conversation and ritual with life’s transitions. Using art to commemorate and pay tribute to a time, a place, or a person. This way of looking at co-created art lead me to become a consultant in the growing field of death awareness. Opening our collective hearts at another level while supporting, encouraging and building community connections through the final transitions of life!
I’ve been told that I am a well-rounded a Communitarian!
I look forward to co-creating the “Awakening” dreaming the dragon project as part of OUR’s 20th year. Seeing the mystical and magical nature of the dragon archetype and how it is represented in many cultures throughout the globe. Seeing with 202/0 vision, the beauty of life around us, Imagining them weaving throughout OUR and around the community spreading hearts and hands creatively throughout, brings me joy and anticipation of all we can co-create when we put our hearts, hands, and spirits together!
Knowing in the time of deep unrest it is through the art of relationship and co-creation that we hold to the hope a better tomorrow. Filled with sparkly and intentional flashes of humanity’s best sides, I dive deeply in.