Advanced Permaculture, Soil Science, Rotational Grazing and Food Foresting in Community Projects
Community farming meets research and design! With the best of all the many teachers/facilitators have to bring we think this Internship is a combination of all that is most needed in food and land systems work these days.
This Internship includes OUR Permaculture Design Certificate (for credit or as Teaching Assistant), a number of micro-credit options, and specialized workshops with Soil Food Web trainers, soil scientists, rotational grazing expert experts and great hardwood/food foresters.
This is the most comprehensive means of bringing forward community farming and working with other Cowichan Valley farmers who have various specializations. Internship includes cooperative ecovillage living, meals, all facilitators, guest lecturers, special programming/workshops, field trips, and micro-credit / full credit programming.
6 month: April 15th – October 15th, 2024
4 month: June 15th – October 15, 2024
*Please contact info@ourecovillage.org for further details and write “2024 Internship” in the email subject line.