O.U.R. Vision is to joyfully share food as medicine for O.U.R.selves, O.U.R. land and for O.U.R. broader worlds socioeconomic, ecological and political systems. O.U.R. core approach works toward collaborative respect with all of O.U.R. living companions: animals, plants, micro-organisms and of course humans.

We try to keep O.U.R. food affordable, accessible and healthy. O.U.R. ideal is to eat organic and GMO-free. O.U.R. ability to do this is limited by the cost.

We strive towards eating a nourishing diet of natural, whole foods, prepared for maximal enjoyment and appropriate nutrition, inspired by traditional cooking wisdom. We aim to use carefully prepared whole grains over refined carbohydrates, and include unrefined fats and wholesome sweeteners in moderation.

We work to grow O.U.R. own organic foods in line with traditional and contemporary wisdom, towards regeneration of the land and wholesome nourishment of O.U.R.selves as Eaters.

We do O.U.R. best to support small-scale, local and organic food systems when we are unable to provide for O.U.R. needs on this land.

We trust mixed farming (which includes raising plants and animals for food) to be a sound way of keeping O.U.R. land and O.U.R.selves both productive and vital, and continue to deepen O.U.R. skills and understanding of how to best do this.

We honour the role that plant-based eating plays within the multi-faceted spectrum of personal and planetary healing. We prepare and offer primarily plant-based food options to our guests. In line with O.U.R. guiding vision, we also give thanks for some compassionately-raised animal foods in O.U.R. meals.

We value collective eating as a community building practice, an antidote to many of O.U.R. world’s ills.

We respect each Eater’s choice in selecting what is appropriate for her-/himself from amidst O.U.R. food offerings.

While we aim to accommodate O.U.R. guests’ needs, we are not yet able to cater to complex individual food requirements nor severe allergies. However, O.U.R. guests may store small quantities of food to meet their specific needs. Vegan and Raw Food Eaters, while respected and warmly welcomed, may not always be satisfied with O.U.R. food offerings. Please let us know in advance about your needs and preferences so that we might consider them.

Together, we are still learning how to do all of these things. We welcome constructive feedback, and

appreciate your respect for O.U.R. ongoing process.

In line with the practice of holistic medicine, we welcome the experiences of personal and collective discomfort (often known as a ‘healing response’) that accompany the shifts away from unwholesome food relationships.

We are all Eaters, We are all Eaten. May we all be well.